13 ways 2022 looks like 1982
13 ways 2022 looks like 1982
On the surface, 2022 seems like a replay of 1982. So many happenings from fashion to pharma feel like déjà vu -- whether you lived through the '80s or not. Yet, there are fundamental shifts from 1982 that can only be understood by looking at the years side by side. Unfortunately, in 2022, we still have yet to come to terms with the social costs of the ‘80s – but we are finally making headway. The aspirational “trader” archetype spawned in ‘82 by the Baby Boomers and portrayed in movies like Wall Street has given way to a socially aware archetype within Generation Z. A disruptive layer of behavior has pushed in through Gen Z and bolstered by Gen X, the generation once thought of as slacker. Critical policy thinking is coming to the forefront as a layer of fear fades away.